Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ch-ch-ch-changes! Welcome to xo Mia!

Welcome to

Hello and welcome to my first blog post on my new domain!

A while ago, I realized that wasn't really fitting what my blog had become. I chose to use my name so it would suit any content I created, but I felt like it didn't really explain what my blog was about.

Now, my domain and blog name are xo Mia. What does this mean? Well, it still has my name - that much is true - but instead, I see my blog more like a love letter to all the things I love. Geek culture, conventions, cosplay, style, and other topics all have a place here. I feel that xo Mia fits my content so much better, and I hope you all agree!

I'm still tweaking the layout and some of the behind-the-scenes stuff, so there may be a few broken things here and there. For now, I hope you like the changes as much as I do, and thanks again for following along!

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