Saturday, July 28, 2012

Liebster Award

I found out last week that I was nominated for this award by Bronwyn of Little Bravery, as well as Courtney of Chase All Your Dreams! This is my first blog award, and I’m so excited to be nominated. Thank you both! Be sure to visit Bronwyn's little corner of the internet, especially if you are into DIY, travel, or creative pursuits, and Courtney's blog for all kinds of inspiration.

Liebster Award

Here is a brief explanation of the award and its requirements:

"What is a Liebster Award? Well, the word 'liebster' is German literally meaning 'dearest' or 'favorite.'  The award recognizes new and upcoming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve some kind of recognition and support for their contribution.
  • Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award, which brings me to rule 3.
  • Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
  • Go to their page and inform them of the nomination.
  • Absolutely NO tag backs.
  • Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 followers"
So here we go!

My Nominees 

(Don't feel pressured to do this if you don't want to! :) 

  1. Liz at Eroholic
  2. Rose Eva at Silhouetted 
  3. Sarah Monster at Saltwater Acorns
  4. Zie Darling at Hello Darling Dear
  5. Jen at
  6. Amanda at Dragonflight Dreams
  7. Rebecca at Revkah 
  8. Keely at Hairbows and Butter
  9. Angie at Lariats and Lavender
  10. Joanna at Just Simply Lovely
  11. Catherine at Glazed and Confused

My Questions

  1. What is your ideal day like?
  2. What is your favorite thing to drink in the wintertime?
  3. What is your favorite feature about yourself?
  4. If you had to pick one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  5. Who is your favorite super hero or villain? Why?
  6.  Do you have any blogger friends?
  7. It’s your birthday! What do you ask for?
  8. What’s your favorite holiday? Why?
  9. Which city is your favorite?
  10. What are your hobbies? If you have a lot (like me!), pick your top three.
  11. Do you prefer the sunrise or sunset?
My answers are below the break. (The formatting for this post is all crazy, so I thought I'd spare you if you aren't interested!)

11 Things About Me

  1. I’ve lived in the three largest cities in Texas – Houston, Dallas, and Austin.
  2.  I studied Japanese for three years in high school and two in college. This previous semester was my first time not taking Japanese in years. I was president of my school’s Japanese Club my senior year. (I’m so cool it hurts, I know.)
  3.   I’ve been to Disney World over 15 times. I’ve only been to Disney Land twice.
  4. The birth mark on my arm used to be heart-shaped, but now it’s evened out into an oval. Boring!
  5.  As a kid, I was a morning person and woke up early every day with a smile on my face.
  6.  From middle school through high school, I was in choir and during that time sang every voice part at some point, from Soprano II to Alto II.
  7. I was a member of Amber Does Dallas, a shadowcast that performs Rocky Horror and Repo! The Genetic Opera, for a little over a year. I still have lots of cast friends and love both movies! I played Amber Sweet and Trixie, as well as random background characters.
  8. I’ve only been hooping for a little while. I took a cardio hooping class last fall, got my own hoop in January, and finally got serious about my practice this summer. I love it so much and I am excited to see myself improve.
  9.  I was born and raised in the Houston area and didn’t move at all until I was 17, to go to college.
  10. I love astrology! I’m super Virgo and I hate changing plans and being spontaneous, but this is something I’m trying to work on!
  11.  I love to travel but I’ve only been out of the country a few times, either on cruises, to Mexico, or to Japan. I have so many places I dream of visiting.

Bronwyn's Questions

1.      What accomplishment are you most proud at this point in your life?
Being able to graduate a full year early next spring debt-free. I’m proud I earned a full scholarship to my school and have managed to get through quickly! I’m so grateful and excited for the next step.

2.      What 90's-early 2000's boy band is your favorite? (The only acceptable answer is Hanson)
I didn’t have a favorite, really! I loved Aaron Carter, though…

3. If your life story was turned into a movie, what would the title be?Follow Your Bliss!

4. You and I are playing bar trivia. What categories could I count on you to have tons of useless knowledge in to ensure our victory?Japanese culture, women’s rights, and stuff about Rocky Horror and Repo! The Genetic Opera.

5. What are three dreams, small or large, you have for your future?
I hope to get a certain graduate school, move to Austin, and move forward with my life. I also dream about joining a roller derby league! And for one more, to be an excellent hooper!

6. It's karaoke night. What song will you drunkenly be singing at the top of your lungs on stage?
Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen! I rang in my 18th birthday singing this at karaoke and it’s always been a lucky song to me.

7. If you could learn any foreign language, what would it be?
Aside from becoming fluent in Japanese, I think French would be fun to learn!

8. Who is your favorite writer/artist/poet, and what is your favorite work created by them?
I really like e.e. cummings a lot. I have a whole book of his poetry and it’s one of my favorites. I like i carry your heart but another one of my favorites is she being brand.

9. Do you have any strange habits? And if so, what are they?
When I get excited about something, I can’t be still! I toe tap, arm wiggle, and basically can’t contain my energy.

10. What's the coolest local attraction where you live? It can be a major tourist trap or a hole-in-the-wall place, but please share so I know where to visit if my travels ever take me your direction.
If you’re talking about Austin, I think there is SO much to do here! Zilker Park is probably my favorite though just because there is so much to do here. In Dallas, I love the Pocket Sandwich Theater.

11. If you could live in any other era or time period, when would it be and why?                          
Although the past has its own problems, I really love 1950s dress and would love to be transported there just to dress up every day!

Courtney's Questions

  1. What made you decide to start blogging?
    I have been a long-time reader of blogs and have been inspired by so many people sharing their stories online. I wanted to do the same and also learn some things for my degree firsthand.
  2. What's your favorite color?
    Pink, hands-down!
  3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
    There are so many fun options. I think I would want to trek across Europe and visit all the fun countries there. I've never been to Europe and I would love to do all the "touristy" stuff as well as find out about local cultures.
  4. What would your perfect day be?
    I love vacation days, especially those where I am going to some kind of event or attraction. Going to Disney World, SDCC, or anyplace similar is just the best.
  5. Favorite season? Why?
    Summer. I can't stand the cold!
  6. Favorite holiday? Why?
    I really like Christmas because I think it brings out the good in a lot of people collectively.
  7. If you could have a super power, what would you choose? Why?
    Telekinesis! That way I can lift myself and fly.
  8. If you could be a cartoon character for a day, who would you pick? Why?
    Nia Teppelin from Gurren Lagann, because I love her story. (Movies only, not the original series!)
  9. What;s your favorite ice cream flavor?
    Mexican Vanilla from Amy's in Austin. Soooo good.
  10. Do you have any pets?
    I have a cat named Ophelia, but I just call her Little Kitty.
  11. What's your favorite blog?
    That's a tough question! I absolutely adore Scathingly Brilliant. Kate can do no wrong!

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