♥ 5-minute dance party or dramatic sing-a-long. Throw on some female power ballads (a la Chelsea) or any of your favorite music and go nuts! We like to take a 30-second dance break to do the Yes dance during one of my study groups. It always totally refreshes and refocuses us on the project, plus it's super fun! At home, I like to grab my hoop and dance to a song or two before getting back to work.
♥ Brew tea. This was suggested by two of my friends, Jamie and Emily, and I totally agree! Even the process is soothing - watching the pot slowly boil, the color slowly steep into the tea, the steam floating off the top. Perfection! Plus, tea is known to be relaxing and has a host of health benefits. Get sipping!
♥ Practice breathing. Pranayama breathing is a yogaic breathing style that is extremely relaxing. I have an app on my phone, simply called Pranayama, that tells you when to breathe in, pause, and breath out. I use it to help me fall asleep if I have a ton on my mind. (Also recommended by Ayanna!)
♥ Be social. In real life, not on Twitter! This means talking to your roommate, calling up your mom, or even petting your puppy like Jelfish. It can help you work out your problems to talk out loud, or even just get your mind off of them.