Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Daily Outfit: (T)high Class

I finally knocked something else off my 21 Goals list - styling thigh high socks in an outfit! The verdict? I love them and now I want them in a million colors. These are from Sock It To Me, and are designed to be slouchy, which I think is cute, but they also stretch up to mid-thigh if desired.

 (t)high class

I wore this outfit to give a presentation in class. I got the dress at Buffalo Exchange recently for not much at all, since the zipper was coming off of it, but I stitched it up and it's good as new. I feel like the more I say I don't like navy, the more pieces I add to my wardrobe.

Honestly, this outfit is a little out of my comfort zone. I assumed the first time I wore socks, I'd err on the side of caution and wear mostly neutrals, but not so! I loved pulling out these heels to match the splashes of red in the print, too.

(t)high class

Lately, my life has been devoted to grad school, but I've got some fun posts I'm working on, including a DIY flower crown tutorial. I also am working on a few behind-the-scenes things, so keep an eye out for layout changes (and a few secrets)!

Outfit Details:
Necklace: Forever 21 (Similar) | Dress: Tommy Girl (Thrifted) | Socks: Sock It To Me
Shoes: Chelsea Crew via ModCloth (use this link for $15 off your first purchase)

P.S. - What is up with the white balance on these photos? I apologize. I promise I didn't grow Daenerys hair overnight - I would have totally told you guys!

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