Saturday, June 28, 2014

June Vegan Cuts Beauty Box - Unboxing Video + Review

June Vegan Cuts Beauty Box Unboxing and Review

I've been wanting to work with video content for a while! I've made a few videos before, but none on my new channel (I had to switch around my G+ accounts when I changed emails... it's kind of a nightmare, I don't recommend it!). When I got my Vegan Cuts Beauty Box in the mail, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to try out video again.

A few things I learned from this video:
  • Everything takes longer than you expect it to when you're learning a new skill. I'm pretty much a total newbie at video editing, finding audio tracks I can use, making YouTube outros, you name it!
  • Nobody likes the sound of their own voice.
  • Looking into the camera is hard!
Video are some of the hardest things to make since there are so many factors to try to get right in one take. Am I looking at the camera? Did I say something that makes sense? Was my face weird? At least when I take photos, I can take a billion until I know I got a good one. Video is a little bit different, but I know I'll get better with practice.

Anyway, on to the video! Here's my initial thoughts on all the items in the box.

Vegan Cuts Beauty Box Unboxing

June Vegan Cuts Beauty Box Review

Like I said in the video, I was very satisfied with my purchase. I've done a Vegan Cuts Beauty Box before, and this one was even better! This box was the perfect mix of items I know I'll love and items that will be fun to try. I also thought it was a fantastic value - $20 for 7 products, several of which are full-size. Rad!

June Vegan Cuts Beauty Box Unboxing and Review
(Not pictured: nyl Velvet Transformative Serum)
This box included...

One thing I didn't notice until I looked up these products is how many of these companies are indie or based on Etsy. Super cool! I'm always happy to support small businesses.

I'm most excited about the nail polish because I'm a huge fan of mint polish, but there's not a single product in this mix that I'm unhappy with. I can't wait to see what's in next month's box - and of course, I'll update you all!

Try your own beauty or snack box...
Vegan CutsVegan Cuts

Have you ever tried a subscription box?

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Vegan Cuts. All opinions and purchases are my own.

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