Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cosplay: Cheryl Tunt from Archer

Cheryl Tunt and Pam Poovey from Archer
Cheryl Tunt and Pam Poovey from ArcherCheryl Tunt and Pam Poovey from Archer

Cheryl Tunt

Archer is one of my all-time favorite shows - the writing is so clever and the plot is outrageous. I've been watching the show since the first season, and the show has only improved since the beginning. Seriously - if you're not watching, it's on Netflix! You have no excuse!

It's impossible to choose a favorite character - they're all hilarious! When Liz expressed interest in cosplaying Pam, I knew I wanted to join her. We put these costumes together initially for San Diego Comic Con, but they've quickly become favorites.

Cheryl Tunt and Pam Poovey from Archer



Cheryl Tunt and Pam Poovey from Archer

The Process

This costume was super easy to put together! I already had the jewelry and skirt, and I purchased the wig, shirt, and heels quickly. Honestly, the most difficult part was getting the color of the shirt right! 

The most challenging part of most Archer cosplay is looking like the character. Each character has a really specific appearance, so sometimes, if you don't look like the character, your cosplay looks like regular office clothing. I don't think I look a lot like Cheryl, so I tried to make my costume as spot-on as possible.

Cheryl Tunt and Pam Poovey from Archer 

Wearing this costume went over a lot better than expected. While an outfit like this isn't my usual style - and even felt a little uncomfortable, at first - I really felt like I wasn't myself. We got the chance to meet Aisha Tyler in these costumes, which was a real treat! Overall, these two get a lot of love from con-goers, which always feels nice.

Archer lends itself to hilarity - we had SO much fun during this photo shoot! Some friends have expressed interest in joining the Archer fun, so I hope our group keeps expanding in the future!

Do you watch Archer?

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