Saturday, November 2, 2013

Featured: Who's That Geek?

My new geek girl BFF Leslie interviewed me on her blog, LeslieIRL! Click on over to see my thoughts on Sailor Moon, first cosplays, and fictional character crushes. Only subjects of the utmost importance, of course!

Featured on!

By the way, if you don't follow Leslie already, definitely get on that! She's hilarious and an inspiring voice in the geek girl community. She talks about everything from balancing hobbies to LARPing to comic book-themed wedding showers. You won't regret it! 

I'll leave you all with a question that Leslie asked me...

BOOM! Apocalypse! The world ends and it’s only you, and one other guy or girl, real or fictitious, to re-populate the Earth. Who is it?


  1. Captain America, or Mister Tumnus from Narnia, or Will Turner from Pirates. I get 3 apparently.

    1. All great choices, though I'm not sure you could repopulate the Earth with Mister Tumnus?!

  2. Captain America, or Mister Tumnus from Narnia, or Will Turner from Pirates. I get 3 apparently.

  3. I would chose someone from the wizarding world so that hopefully our kids would get to go to Hogwarts. Priorities, I have them.


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